The Chick, The Chapel, The Cellar

Category: Restaurants, Event Location
Activation: Instagram, Facebook and Drone Video


We developed the social media strategy and manage the Instagram and Facebook accounts of the Malines Hospitality Hub consisting of The Chick (fine dine restaurant), The Chapel (premium event venue) and The Cellar (Speakeasy wine bar). In addition, we created eye-catching content, including a spectacular drone video with a first-person view.

For the Mechelen Hospitality Hub consisting of The Chick (fine dine restaurant), The Chapel (premium event venue) and The Cellar (Speakeasy wine bar), we developed a comprehensive social media strategy and actively manage their Instagram and Facebook accounts.

Our strategy focused on creating a consistent and engaging online presence for each of the three locations within the Hospitality Hub. We paid attention to showcasing the unique features and atmosphere of each concept, sharing visually appealing content and encouraging interaction with their followers.

In addition to managing the social media accounts, we created eye-catching content to attract attention and enhance the experience of the Hospitality Hub. One example is a spectacular drone video with a first-person view, providing an immersive perspective of the venues and their surroundings. This video helped create a buzz and increase the visibility of the Mechelen Hospitality Hub.

Our team remains committed to developing engaging and creative content that highlights the unique aspects of The Chick, The Chapel and The Cellar. We aim to grow followers, engagement and positive interaction on their Instagram and Facebook accounts.

With our social media strategy and content creation, we helped increase the online presence and strengthen the brand identity of the Malines Hospitality Hub. We are proud to have contributed to the success of The Chick, The Chapel and The Cellar and will continue to work on creating high-profile content and strengthening their online community.